This Formula Ford was amazingly quick and shares a shed at Woodside with a blue Ikara. It's Jason Ratsch's Van Dieman.
This is Geoff Redin's 1180cc bike engined BAE Mk II, mentioned briefly in my earlier Lobethal report.
This is worth a closer look, a Nissan block made from a lump of aluminium.
The DBR replica.
And a red and white 100/4. You can tell I'm a Healey fan.

Is that the same chap in the Formula Ford who had his Formula Vee stolen from his motel after the 1995 AHC at Mt Cotton ?
I'll find out, John. Could be. The family have been heavily into F. Vees, that's for sure, holding the odd lap record.
Jason Ratsch is the guy who had is Vee stolen in 1995 and he didget it back.
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