Monday, November 2, 2009

Mirror Image.

22 years apart, the Nagari image in the Nov. 2009 Wheels article is the same one from the cover of Great Australian Sports Cars and Specials, turned inside out.
It's B8/18 which in its early days was the subject of many magazine articles, probably when it was owned by MR Motors of Bayswater. I remember it many years later being a bright red car when it lived up in Gladstone, Qld and last I heard it was dark blue and living in Victoria.


Bruno von Rotz said...

well, the yellow-orange color actually suits the car very well! But your blog post also triggers another question. I tried to find one of these books using amazon and some of the more specialized online bookshops (also in Australia), but without success. Do you know somebody still having a copy to sell?

John L said...

Bruno, I have a friend who has a spare copy. I'll email you his contact details and you can see if you can wrestle it out of him.

Simon said...

I love that book, it is responsible for getting me hooked on all that business. Ever seen a Pellandini John? Looks like there is one in your part of the world:

Simon said...

Make that two: