Both fuel pumps failed (gradually) as we headed across from Ballarat to Mt Gambier. The 30 year old foam filling in our fuel tank was disintegrating and clogging fuel lines, pumps, all three filters and the carby. We were rescued by some fantastic South Aussie rally competitors from Mt Gambier. Their service crews towed us several hours into town, helped us find the problem, took their spare fuel pump from their own car, let us use their workshop and even lent us a car to get around town that night! Good old school rally people.
When the shops opened next morning we bought a 22 litre boat fuel tank and plumbed that in - we had clean fuel at last. A local mechanic whose Dad had worked on Peter Brock's ignition in the same workshop in 1979 helped us rebuild and retune the carby (Holley 350) and we were on our way again! Unfortunately the boat tank gave us a range of about 128kms (about the length of each stage) so at times we were on a bit of an economy run. We caught the field and made it to the finish so were pretty happy - last, but a finisher. If anyone wants an interesting 4wd track I highly recommend the Border track that we covered on the last day.
Only other problems we encountered were a sticking caliper in the Monash tunnel, Melbourne at peak hour and a constant overheating problem whenever we stopped for more than a few minutes. It's fair to say that the car wasn't quite ready for this event, but as it was the 30th anniversary we simply had to be part of it. Met some really nice people, enjoyed rallying like it was in the old days and passed through some great countryside.
As you say, my mighty Datsun would have cruised through without an issue but where's the fun in that?
cheers, Gary.
Tim from the HRA took these photos.

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