The most recent photos of the Matt Jenkins chassis (see yesterday's post) were, it seems, actually of the Peter Kordic chassis, which was also built at Racecraft. This may well answer at least two queries I have seen on the blog about there being two chassis in one of the photos and what is the story.
This is revealed in the following email to Graham Nichols after his release of the Feb.2009 NSW Slipstream yesterday.
Thanks for sending the Slipstreams as I appreciate reading them. Minor point however, the photos of the chassis & engine on page 13 are in fact of my car in Jan.2007. My chassis was used as a template for Matt's car with several differences. Matt's has a direct brace down the sides from front to rear while mine has to divert around the lowered floor. George May did the suspension and mechanical on my car as well as making several changes to the chassis that I wanted. He did do excellent work however as the car handles excellently. Not completed yet however. Have attached a photo of my chassis taken in Jan.2007.
Peter Kordic."

We may get the chance to meet Peter in April as he has indicated he is coming to Tanunda for the Easter event.