hi all,
just a reminder that easter monies are now due. for those who want to come but haven't booked please do so before the weekend , or at least let me know as going down to albany to finalise stuff.
Also, on another note, Baz....dear ol mechanic friend baz. I received a ph call monday arvo. help was the call. I am on a boat, between malloy island and alexander bridge, tied to a houseboat mouring and a motor not going broom broom. He ,the dog and chris stuck. So I phoned a few places with no success, so I phoned the augusta police. extremely helpful and the guy there organised sea rescue to come and tow. chris was real worried they would be stuck with a towel, and nothing else on a cold night. quite quickly helped and back to the camper van.
Now those of you who are game enough and know Baz, ask him what was wrong....I know, but that i won't tell. let baz do that if he is game enough...
worst person he could of ph for help aren't I baz....Now the whole Bolly world knows and possibly more :-)
after many guesses of baz's predicument, he said _ give them a clue.
his own words- STD , and nothing to do with sex....
keep me amused and see who is the first to guess
from SN
hi all.
the baz and chris saga...
kim got it - starter tag disengaged, tho honary mention to kay. STupiDity.
to further give the ol boy a hard time, (we still love ya baz), chris was complaining that the boat was getting damn hard to push off into the estuary,
and her back was getting sore. she looked around to see if anyone was around to help-nope. said to baz-I dont think i can do this anymore to which baz replied , would help if i untied the straps ,,,,,,
stacey, the mean prez (only getting in first baz)
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