Sunday, October 26, 2008


This is just a little advance notice about the Classic Adelaide street party in Gouger Street on Friday night the 21st November, for SA people and others who may be in the area around then. As is traditional, we have a table booked at Stanley's, on the footpath, out the front. This year it's a bit different because we have only one table, not two. Remember last year as people drifted in throughout the night, even though we may have had lots of people there on the night, there was only ever enough people there at any one time to fill one of the tables. A table is for 10 people which can be stretched to 14 or so if necessary. I think it will work out OK as we drift up and down the street checking out the cars and come in at varying times to eat and good on Stanleys for being this flexible.

1 comment:

John L said...

We also have to be a bit helpful to Stanleys with their compliance with the council and liquor licencing laws which only allows 20 people to be consuming outside the front door. Apparently there are vigilantes that cruise past checking on these things.