Friday, October 31, 2008
That German Mark 4

A potted pictorial history of the SR6
Picture 1 shows the car under construction at the old Bolwell factory in the 60s.

Thursday, October 30, 2008
Veloce Today
Door handles
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
The Resurrection of B8/91
Here's a few photos of B8/91, "before and after". Peter Jones discovered this car in pieces somewhere back of Cairns. It was a very original car that had been stripped down after a front end smash and the owner never got around to rebuilding it. I was looking for an original car with ID plates etc to restore to add to my sports (B8/81) and after following a few leads, eventually Paul Smith put me in touch with Peter and a deal was done. The problem of getting a damaged car, fully stripped, down from Cairns to outback SA, was solved ingeniously by Peter. His business in Cairns shipped auto parts to the south sea islands and had an industrial shrink wrapping machine. From the photos you can see the tape holding the panels to the body and the shrink wrapping still intact after the journey from Cairns. The only extra damage was to the front suspension, which collapsed on the way to SA. All the bits and pieces were safely cocooned inside the shrink wrap and all arrived intact. One photo shows the car after body repairs. This car was originally sold new in Adelaide, then travelled to Sydney before ending up in far north QLD. It took me almost 5 years to restore it and I drove it for a year before deciding that two Nagaris were one too many. I sold it to the Healey Factory in Melbourne and I believe the car is in Victoria.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Mark 5, Tuesday 28th Oct.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Happy campers
Flex plates and torque converters
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Saturday, October 25, 2008
Mark 5 steering wheel
Friday, October 24, 2008
Bolwell mags
Robert H. Grant don't seem to appear in the Yellow Pages any more and I'm not sure if they still exist. I haven't checked 274 Ferntree Gully Road on Google Maps to see if a foundry is still there. It's quite possible because these days EPA issues preclude using land like that for most other things. Well that's the situation around here anyway.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Some Movement in the Bolly World
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Mark 5, Tuesday 21st Oct.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Paint peeling
Monday, October 13, 2008
In this picture is the DBR2 inspired special of club member Ken Messenger (Ken is a former owner of the Bolwell SR6). Alongside it is the Ricardian which every ageing SA racegoer will be familiar with and will have to be a subject of discussion in a future post one day.
Here are two identical Healeys (well, almost). They are both genuine 100S models and both painted in that familiar white and dark blue livery. One of them, and I'm not saying which one, donkeys years ago had a crash which required a reconstruction of the front panel. The job was done to perfection and the untrained eye would not notice that the grille on one is in a lower position than the other.
Tony Cullen (of Ikara fame) has built this Alfa as a tribute to the one he used to have as a boy. He's not afraid to give it a bit of stick either and the lighting up of the tyres on the few corners of the Lobethal circuit were something to be seen. I reckon this would have had to have been the most photographed car of the weekend.
I don't seem to be able to present a collection of nice old cars without including a Vauxhall 30/98, or "Thirsty" as we used to call them. There were 2 there this weekend, the other one was a yellow Velox bodied one. In the twenties, when they were built, there were as many sent to Australia as there were remaining in England. Many of them are finding their way back to the UK these days. Must be more money over there. Patrick Ryan's 30/98 sticks in my mind more than his early Bolwell special, I'm slightly embarrassed to say. I've never owned one, but did have an example of its little brother, the 14/40.
Friday, October 10, 2008
Where is it now? - No.7

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Mark 3 again.

Monday, October 6, 2008
That Mark 5 again.
Colin's photos

Sunday, October 5, 2008
More on the Mark 5 screen
"I'd be willing to bet a considerable amount of your money that it is the Austin Freeway/Cambridge rear window! I had heard years ago that it was the Austin one but can't remember from whom. Maybe George or Royce."

I used to have a photograph of an Adelaide based Mark 5 (whereabouts now unknown) that even had the chrome surround. It looked very smart. Beven may now have the photo because I remember seeing that very image on the cover of the August 2005 SA Slipstream.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Some windscreen observations

I recently read in a Jaguar Club publication that the "Elgaram" windscreen was also an FE/FC back window. There are pictures of it elsewhere in this blog. What do you think? It doesn't look much like a Mark 5 but by comparison, it has much more of a rake on it.
Look what's turned up in Kapunda.
Friday, October 3, 2008
The restoration of B8/49
A plug for a very fine car.
Peter Jones found the car in Tasmania where it had been stored in a shed since 1984 and had it transferred to Cairns where he was then living. He and his good friend and co-owner, Ron Cheeseman, then set about a meticulous rebuild that involved a complete strip down with everything being restored and replaced bit by bit. The only things missing are the "Bolwell" and "Nagari" badges for the rear panel which somehow got lost in the process. New ones have been ordered and will be fitted when they arrive. It would be fair to say that they have over-spent on this car and would never be able to recoup their outlay. It would also be fair to say that the $72,000 asking price would be very realistic because it is better than new as everything is new or restored anyway. It drives very, very well.
Any interest can be directed to Ron Cheeseman on 0419 655425 or 07-4032 2622 or email him on r.cheeseman@bigpond.com