
Friday, August 8, 2014

Shed run the other weekend.

That was a good run and I am amazed at the amount of work done on the Mk.7s in the 3 sheds that we visited.
First stop was at Leabrook at the home of Pete Schmidt's mum where he goes daily to meticulously construct his red motored Mk.7 in her garage.
This picture was taken by President Dino.
Next port of call was at Chris and Jane Gascoigne's place at Athelstone where a major rebuild of the ex Marcos, Duncan, McAskill, McNaught, Taylor, Rowley (to name a few) V8 Mk.7 is taking place. Remember this car had a major altercation with a Stobie pole so the rebuild has been quite an undertaking and it's coming on famously.
Here's the presidential Mk.7 out the front.
And some of the other Bolwells that came along.
Then it was off to Birdwood to Peter M and Linda L's place to see what Pete has been up to with his other Mark 7.
The main street of Birdwood on a weekend is never short of interest. That Sunday was no exception so a quick stop to photograph Jason's Eureka...
...and a pair of matching scooters...
...not to mention the West End Chev 4 which has recently had a new coat of paint.
That truck has been there at the Blumberg Hotel since our old mate Ken Sheldon was the licencee and had a Nagari nose displayed on the bar wall. My motive in photographing the Chev is that our Kapunda Shed is rebuilding/restoring a similar one which so far has no cab, bulkhead or tray and the Birdwood one  has the correct "C" cab and everything.
Anyway, on to the Mac household and here's Peter's regular 7.
We all enjoyed a wonderful barbecque and the odd ale or wine before climbing to the top shed to see how the "Kadala" 7 was coming along and coming along it is. Here is the front view minus the tilt nose.
and here's the Supra front suspension
and the Watt's linkage.
Phew! What a day!

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