
Sunday, October 28, 2012

Advance notice - 6 Hour - Mallala

Bolwell 6Hr Team - May the 5th 2013
Chris and I require Bolwell drivers to nominate for the 2013 6Hr Club Team.
The first things you must do are
In addition you will need to have a suitable 900 gm fire extinguisher that meets AS1841 and is less than 3 years old (or has been serviced within 3 years) on the day of the event; and a helmet which as a minimum meets AS1698. This is the normal Australian standard for helmets and I have found the cheapest good way to go is to buy a motor bike helment rather than a dedicated car helmet which is much more expensive.
Please let either Norm ( 8251 3228 or or myself (83361256 or know if you wish to enter.
We will provide further information about what you need to do and we will also try to organise some practice before the event. However, even though the event is in May; time will go very quickly and we need to start now.
Cheers Norm and Chris

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