
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Hillclimb season

A cutting from last week's local Herald.
A couple of good action shots from Bob, news of what's coming up and Bill Norman back to his dad's roots so to speak.


  1. John is it just me or has the way you put on the articles and photos changed?
    I used to be able to click on an article or picture and get a full screen version.
    Now I get a slightly larger pphoto,if that, and the writing on the scanned articles is impossible to read.
    Is it me?
    Is it you?
    Can it be fixed?
    PS For a moment there I thought we were married!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Yes we must stop meeting like this. People are beginning to talk.

  3. I just clicked on the article and I can read the text clearly but it's not as big as it used to be. Is there anybody out there who is an expert in Blogger who can guide me back to the original format?

  4. I get full screen, easy to read text. Seems to be unchanged from what I have seen in the past. I'm using Explorer 9 in Windows 7 - perhaps the problem is related to the browser you are using.

  5. Google have changed things but if you are having trouble try right clicking on the pic and choose "open in new window"

  6. Google have changed things but if you are having trouble try right clicking on the pic and choose "open in new window"
