
Wednesday, April 6, 2011

My favourite Jag photo.

This is Hell Corner, Bathurst (recognise it?), October 1960. Jags from left to right - Ron Hodgson, Bill Pitt, Pete Geoghegan. The picture is part of the Chris Haigh collection. Chris was (is) the next owner of the David McKay 3.4 Jaguar.


  1. That is an awesome shot. I'm gonna appropriate it, with credit.

    What do you think of Webber's chances this season? And what the hell is in Vettel's car?

  2. We can't base his chances this season on his performance at Albert Park. He did well to get where he did with the chassis problems he had. Let's see how he goes next weekend.

  3. Bathurst was worth watching back then.
