
Sunday, December 5, 2010

The organ's coming on

Ten years under restoration and it's looking good. It's installed in the Tanunda arts centre and was once in the Adelaide Town Hall. Anyway they dismantled it and chucked it out when they wanted to install a bigger and better and more up-to-date one. Well, that's up and running and their organist, Andrew Baghurst, is happy I think. Andrew was in my class at Highgate in grades 1 to 7. Haven't seen too much of him since then when he went off to PAC with a few others while the rest of us went to Unley High. Thank goodness someone gathered up all the bits and brought it up to the Barossa. So far a hundred and something of the over 2000 pipes are functional and that was enough for Bevan Reynolds to get a bit of Bach, Handel and Guilmant out of it tonight and Steve Kaesler managed a Chrismas Carol. Those pipes in the centre that have been painted in exactly the same style as they were in 1870. Restoration is progressing steadily and I'm looking forward to a few more pipes being added very soon.

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