
Saturday, August 14, 2010

McArlus Cars - 5

Next episode - exhaust system.

Picked up the new exhaust the other day and it has come up a real treat.

I always knew that the revisions made to the rear half of the chassis were going to make the exhaust even trickier than the first car, but it wasn’t until I unpacked all of the pieces and then tried to assemble it in the chassis that I realized just how hard I had made it!

Anyway the pieces all fit together well and the overall result is very pleasing.

I took the extra option of this time having the exhaust HPC coated. It certainly looks a million dollars and should provide a bit of extra protection to the exhaust as well as some heat benefits.

I decide to get this done this time since the exhaust on the yellow car has always looked ratty. At one stage I pulled it all out, wire brushed and carefully cleaned the whole lot, before giving it a couple of coats of “quality” exhaust paint.

I think it started to peel in front of my eyes as I warmed the engine for the first time, so this time the HPC coating is getting a try out.

So far two complete sets of headers have been made up to the muffler join, and only one set is complete including the muffler. The second set will be finalized and detail fitted to Ken’s chassis as soon as he is ready.



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